Planning application submitted for 135 new houses on green fields at Chesterfield Road, south of Dronfield.
Dronfield’s Conservatives are continuing to work with local residents to oppose plans for a new “Burns Rise” development opposite the layby on Chesterfield Road between Dronfield and Unstone. The full details can be found by searching the reference 23/00932/FL on the website: planapps-online.nederbyshire.
Commenting, Lee Rowley MP said: “We’ve long been clear in our opposition to this proposed development and have worked hard since 2017 when it was first mooted to try to stop it progressing. This application is totally unsuitable for Dronfield and will put significant strain on local services like roads, doctors and schools.”
Cllr Alex Dale added: “If you share our concerns over the loss of these green fields and the strain this development will put on our local infrastructure, we’d urge you to submit your objections to the District Council’s planning department, by emailing and quoting the application reference above. If you need more support on how to do this, or advice on what points to include, please get in touch with me."