Grant funding is available for businesses and landlords across North East Derbyshire to improve their street-facing frontage.
Coun William Jones explained, “There is currently some £172k grant funding uncommitted in the district wide Shopfront Enhancement initiative administered by North East Derbyshire District Council (NEDDC). Business owners across the district need to take advantage of this funding before it’s returned to Central government.”
This is part of North East Derbyshire’s allocation of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund provided from the previous government’s levelling up agenda.
The purpose of the fund is to make high streets and shopping areas more appealing to visitors thus improving footfall and dwell time. Grants can be used to improve many aspects of shop fronts including brickwork, signage, blinds + canopies, security shutters, double glazing, seating areas and, importantly, reinstatement of historic shopfronts.
- The minimum grant available is £500, up to a maximum of £10,000.
- 25% of the project cost to be provided by the applicant.
- If the applicant is a community/voluntary group, charity or social enterprise then up to 100% is available.
The spend and built cut-off date for the fund is March 2025. All applicants for funding are urged to submit their applications in advance of the deadline. Contact NEDDC on Tel 01246 231111 or your local Councillor.