Charlotte has lived locally, in Stretton, all her life, and works in Ripley. Charlotte is the Cabinet Support Member for Highways Assets and Management at Derbyshire County Council, also serving as a member of the authority's Governance, Ethics and Standards Committee.
For the last 5 years she's served as a local district councillor, so she knows the issues that matter in the area and has experience of getting things done. While under the control of Conservatives, she's been the Deputy Leader at the District Council, and Cabinet Member for Environmental Services.
Some of Charlotte's key pledges are to continue the work we've started on reducing congestion on the A61, working to deliver the best from the confirmed £24 million Clay Cross Town Deal (for both Clay Cross and all of the surrounding area) and to be an active County Councillor, on everything from litter-picking, working with residents to fighting inappropriate planning applications.
If you'd like to get in touch with Charlotte to discuss any issues, you can contact her on 07733412860 or